Northern Prairie Market is a family owned business located in northwestern North Dakota. We started selling beef to a few family friends back in 2012 with fantastic reviews. The business continued to grow in the following years, expanding to include first, pork and then chickens. In the fall of 2019, we took the leap and officially formed Northern Prairie Market LLC to be able to better provide you with delicious and nutritious farm raised foods.
Here at Northern Prairie Market, we strive to produce healthy food regeneratively and responsibly. We truly believe that healthy soil leads to healthy plants, healthy plants lead to healthy animals, and healthy plants and animals ultimately lead to healthy people. This means working with nature. We aim to create healthy ecosystems that provide a home to the animals on the farm.
Here, on the farm, we use a systems approach to management. We consider all factors when making everyday decisions on the farm. We realize that the decisions we make on our farm do not only affect the family business, but they affect our family lives, our communities, our soils, our water supply, and our environment and future generations.
We look forward to sharing with you, healthy food that you can trust.
The Northern Prairie Market Team!